Brushstrokes of Light, Living Shades, photo series with 8 prints on litho paper, each 84 x 59,4 cm Print run of 8, edition 2011
This photo series was created in Shanghai. The work addresses current media critique, in particular the media’s “self-propagating“ nature. As a consequence, the series features both “painterly“ photography and “photographic“ painting.
The photographs were taken by night. I looked for light of a certain colour, as well as for light and colour subject to kinetic processes. The photographs were composed on site using motion and the passage of time. There was no post-production of any sort. The resulting images recall the superimposition techniques employed in my paintings.
The photographed paintings on the other hand are ink paintings, produced on a routine, daily basis using Chinese calligraphy brushes. The Chinese word for photography, shèyǐng (摄影), means that shadows are sucked up. The paper sucked them up while I was responsible for juxtaposing them like in a musical score.